It's been baltic weather this week in Tayside but the chemtrailers have continued with their 'solar radiation management' spraying programme in order to save us from 'global warming'.
We might get a break from spraying over the weekend with reports of computer problems at the
air traffic control centre at Swanwick in the south of England grounding most of the airlines over UK airspace. I'm not sure how this will effect chemtrailers flying in from the USA though. It will probably be business as usual.
The shutting down of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) due to a
cyber attack yesterday and now the computer problems at the Swanwick ATC due to 'computer problems' highlights how close we are to the edge in the UK.
Anyway Christmas shopping time has arrived in Tayside so I joined the crowds in Dundee yesterday. Closely followed by the sprayers up above......
Mysterious white planes get to work spraying shiny aluminium on happy Christmas shoppers below. |
Christmas magic....2 engines but 4 trails...must be the elves playing about or something. |
First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond does a 'saltire' over YES in 2014 independence referendum !! |
Christmas decorations get Dundee shoppers in a festive mood. |