Well that's June almost over and it's been pretty much business as usual overhead with daily chemtrailing. Sometimes you can only hear the aircraft above the gloom but when the clouds break you can see the results of their work. The daily weather forecasts on tv are pretty meaningless as they ignore the elephant in the room and don't even acknowledge the dimming from the work of the chemtrailers. 'Clear blue skies' are a pale torquoise at best. 'Possible rain' is a downpour of aluminium and barium and strontium etc. A chemical concoction of whatever is in the aircraft spray tanks. There was a discussion in my local paper about why all the leaves on the trees and shrubs were dying off. It got the usual rubbish replies....global warming...drought etc. Never the true answer......chemical fallout from all the rubbish washed down from the sky after a day of constant spraying.
It's usually the same pattern for our weather. Dry, then a day of spraying, then a heavy downpour the following day or overnight.
Monsanto have developed an aluminium resistant seed. Now why would they be interested in spending money on something so unusual ? Because the soil is saturated with aluminium now and our crops are struggling in the contaminated soil.
Buy monsanto seeds or die I suppose.
Anyway here's a sample of the latest spraying in June. Click on the photos to enlarge...
evidence of chemtrailing when there's a break in the clouds. |
Supposedly 'rare' sun dog...seen most weeks due to chemicals in atmosphere. |
common sun dog. |
Blue sky full of chemical spray. |
Blue sky stolen. |
Chemicals waiting for the rain to wash them down on us and our soil / water / lungs. |
Seagull enjoys the chemical sky. |
Chemtrailing tops up the chemical sky. |