Thursday, 2 May 2013

Chemtrail operations re commence over Tayside. HAARP system deployed.

new chemtrails added to overnight chemtrails

After a welcome break from chemtrails I awoke this morning to find evidence of heavy chemtrailing overnight and then witnessed ongoing spraying throughout the morning.
I was up early for the golf so was able to watch the situation develop from 6am through to 11am.
The HAARP system was deployed at about 9am.
This was the sequence of events in the sky as I played a blinder on the golf course down below...

spraying ongoing

small chemclouds joined together by chemtrails

sun started to struggle to shine

HAARP switched on at about 9am

HAARP transmission evident

sun disappears for a while

sun struggling

sky goes 'choppy' as HAARP transmission terminated
Geoengineeringwatch are reporting HAARP activity in the North West Pacific/ California area  resulting in erratic weather with record cold temperatures.

From the article....

"Very significant HAARP readings are also evident on monitoring stations in recent days, this is certainly a component of the latest engineered “winter storm”. The now constant use of the globe's ionosphere heater installations to manipulate jet stream patterns is also throwing the entire climate/weather system off the tracks".


  1. Hullo Taysider, I saw this 'phenomenon' as I was travelling up the coast road towards Aberdeen last week (I prefer to stay off the main highways) and took a couple of photos for my personal records. I'm too careful to publicise on the interthingy - never know who's watching and I want to keep my job. Onyway, you have my admiration for a great (and brave) blog. Robert
    ps Stopped on the way back for one of the once famous Forfar bridies - what a disappointment!

  2. hi's quite a common phenomenon. But not many folk seem to notice.
    Forfar bridies.....not what they used to be . I always wonder what the strange crunching sounds are when you eat them ;)
    Usually taste okay though :)


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