I've been having a look at the aircraft activity around the Vancouver area in Canada using flightradar24.com and saw a lot of chemtrailer aircraft flying their spraying patterns. The patterns show that individual aircraft fly back and forth over the same area for quite a few hours. They also criss cross the skies to make sure the aluminium and barium etc covers the sky completely. If you click on an aircraft then you should see their flight number and destination etc. This info is usually blocked on the chemtrailing aircraft or the aircraft won't show up at all on the flightradar24 website ( despite you seeing the aircraft flying over your house with your own eyes ).
We rarely get to see the chemtailing patterns in the UK sector as most of the chemtrailing aircraft switch off their transponders making them invisible to flightradar24.com.
Here are some of the screen shots that I took....
Looking at the geoengineering (chemtrails) that block out the sun in my part of Scotland.
Friday, 28 February 2014
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Chemtrailer flight paths in the USA.
Most chemtrailing aircraft in the UK are never seen on the flightradar24.com radar tracking website but you can see chemtrailers if you search across the USA.
I took some screen shots over the past few weeks and you can see their meandering flight paths here.
The green / yellow lines are the chemtrailing aircraft flight paths as followed by flightradar24.com...
I took some screen shots over the past few weeks and you can see their meandering flight paths here.
The green / yellow lines are the chemtrailing aircraft flight paths as followed by flightradar24.com...
Worcester. USA. |
Turkey Hill Park. USA |
Daytona beach. USA |
Kitty Hawk Bay USA. |
Buford. USA |
Pecos. USA |
Spray Sunday.
I used to always look forward to watching 'Ski Sunday' on tv during the winter months but now all we get is 'Spray Sunday' with chemtrailers blocking out any sunshine that attempts to peep through the grey clouds.
Spraying has been heavy throughout February and today was no exception with spraying going on for most of the day. I took some photos. Click on the photo to enlarge.....
Spraying has been heavy throughout February and today was no exception with spraying going on for most of the day. I took some photos. Click on the photo to enlarge.....
The sun does it's best to fight through the chemtrails. |
Typical sky over Tayside. |
Chemtrails break up and spread early here. |
Lufthansa Flight DLH 446 Frankfurt to Denver. 747-430 |
Unidentified chemtrailer flying perpendicular to usual flight paths over Tayside. |
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
English floods highlight the corruption of the corporate mainstream media. Discussion of the EU role is banned.
Despite the thousands of hours of television and newspaper coverage of the floods that are affecting the south of England the mainstream media are still keeping the public in the dark as to the elephant in the room. These floods were planned years ago in the secret offices at the corrupt and bankrupt EU in Brussels and are designed to "restore the natural floodplains" in Europe as part of the UN's Agenda 21.The plan is that people will be coralled into high rise buildings in cities with the natural landscape being restored for wildlife. Tell that to the hundreds of badgers and other ground living creatures that must have perished over the last few weeks as the waters were allowed to flood the landscape after the pleas by local farmers for the rivers to be dredged were ignored for years.
To find out the truth about what's actually going on here you have to search the online alternative media where the truth is readily available.
Richard North of EUReferendum.com has written an excellent article that brings together all of the true facts about the flooding and lays the blame where it belongs.....at the feet of previous Ministers , the EU and of course our bought and paid for mainstream media who will chat for hours trying to find out who to blame but will never reveal to the public the main culprit. The EUSSR.
Of course geoengineering may also be part of the problem but we'll leave that issue to one side for the moment.
Here's Mr North's article. With all of his links........
" What so very few people realise of current events is that actions of the day are being determined by policies put in place years before, based on decisions made by actors no longer in the field.
Thus, for all the focus on the spat between the current Environment Agency chairman and Mr Pickles, much of what is going on today rests on decisions made not by Smith, or his chief executive, but by Baroness Young, who was the hyperactive chief executive of the EA until 2008.
And, back in 2007, when the policy which dominates current activities was being formulated, Young was in front of the Lords European Union Committee, giving evidence on the EU's Water Framework Directive, where she was to tell the Committee that, "making it work" was "sort of, 'Instant wildlife: just add water'" (p10: Minutes of Evidence).
But Chris Smith was yesterday telling the BBC: "When I hear someone criticising the expertise of my staff in the environment agency that know hundred times more about flood risk management than any politician ever does, I am afraid I am not going to sit idly by".
Only then does he add: "The Environment Agency is bound by the rules laid down by government", going on to talk about Treasury rules. But where Smith is failing is in his inability to identify the real "government" to which his Agency answers – the EU.
At least Baroness Young back in 2007 was unequivocal about the impact of EU law. It is remarkable that, now the effects of EU policy are becoming evident, no one wants to talk about it.
Thus, while the Mail is prepared to report flood victims claiming "they have been ignored by the Environment Agency because they are more concerned about wildlife and birds", readers are not being told why this is happening.
And while one can sympathise with the victims and the call for cash aid, no one is being served well by the refusal to get to the bottom of the policy failures.
But, if anyone wants a soft entry into this issue, and the EU involvement, they can start here. David Cameron is telling ministers to stop the blame game, but until that elephant in the room is recognised and brought down, the blame hasn't even started. "
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Baron Smith of Finsbury...£100k per year for a 3 day week Chairman of the UK Environment Agency. Said that his team were doing "a fantastic job". |
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David Cameron....EU stooge. Said "money was no object to help flooded areas" after reducing funding to the Environment Agency and making 550 workers redundant.. |
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Eric Pickles...Senior expenses trougher...blames flooding on the global warming scam. |
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Baroness Young of Old Scone....Former Chief Executive of the environment agency..told Lords EU Committee...."Instant wildlife : just add water". |
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Sites earmarked to become more 'natural'. |
Monday, 10 February 2014
Heavy chemtrailing over Tayside today.
A beautiful morning with blue skies quickly turned into the usual grey mess due to some of the heaviest chemtrailing seen this year. Tayside seems to have been targeted today with reports of heavy spraying coming in from all over the region.
We had groups of four aircraft spraying together and up to twelve chemtrailing aircraft flying over our airspace at the one time. This lasted for most of the afternoon and into the evening.
Only one of the aircraft was listed on the 24hr tracker system Flightradar24.com and was a Lufthansa Boeing 747-830 Flight number LH498.
I took some photos. Click on the photos to enlarge....
We had groups of four aircraft spraying together and up to twelve chemtrailing aircraft flying over our airspace at the one time. This lasted for most of the afternoon and into the evening.
Only one of the aircraft was listed on the 24hr tracker system Flightradar24.com and was a Lufthansa Boeing 747-830 Flight number LH498.
I took some photos. Click on the photos to enlarge....
Chemtrailers flew in groups of two or four aircraft. |
Sky quickly filled with chemicals as chemtrails dispersed. |
Geoengineering pilots like to do their criss cross "get it up you " patterns in the sky. |
Lufthansa Flight number LH 498...... 747 Jumbo Jet. |
Sunshine wiped out again this afternoon. |
That black stuff won't be very nice to breathe in. |
RAF Typhoon patrols the sky after the chemtrailers have all gone. |
Friday, 7 February 2014
Clear skies disappear as chemtrails drift in.
Friday started with beautiful clear skies in the morning but by 2pm some chemtrails had drifted in from the south west to blanket two thirds of the sky and obscure the sun.
Here are some of the photos that I took. Click on the photos to enlarge....
Here are some of the photos that I took. Click on the photos to enlarge....
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Heavy chemtrailing seen as overcast skies start to break up.
We've had some wet and miserable weather in Tayside over the last few weeks but the skies actually started to clear this morning. They didn't stay clear for long though as we had chemtrailing for most of the day. The geoengineering has probably been going on in the sky above all the gloom for weeks but has been hidden by the overcast and gloomy skies.
Here are a few of the photos that I took today. Click on the photos to enlarge.
Here are a few of the photos that I took today. Click on the photos to enlarge.
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Dundee rainwater test confirms the presence of Aluminium and Barium.
I'm grateful to Will for sending me the results of a rainwater test that he had done in central Dundee. When the results came back from the lab they confirmed the presence of Aluminium and Barium. This is typical of rainwater that has been seeded with chemicals used in chemtrailing (geoengineering).
Here are the full results.......
I've had a look back at some of the photos that I took in the days leading up to the date of the rainwater test (12th Sept 2013) and see that there was heavy chemtrailing (geoengineering) at this time over the Dundee area........
The increase in aluminium in the environment is thought to be responsible for the massive increase in Alzheimers , autism and MS in the population.
According to Prof Exley, a world renowned expert on aluminium, ..."when the amount of aluminium consumed exceeds the body’s capacity to excrete it, the excess is then deposited in various tissues, including nerves, brain, bone, liver, heart, spleen and muscle. We call it the 'silent visitor’ because it creeps into the body and beds down in our bones and brain.”
Prof Exley was called in to help in the investigation into the Camelford disaster in Cornwall, England where 20 tonnes of aluminium sulphate were mistakenly dumped into the the water supply by South West Water.
He examined the brain of a former resident of Camelford, Mrs Cross, who died of Alzheimers. He found that Mrs Cross’s brain contained 23 micrograms of aluminium per gram of brain, compared to normal levels of 0‑2mcg.
The inquest into Mrs Cross’s death has been adjourned twice pending further research into the significance of the high levels of aluminium in her brain. In 2008, coroner Michael Rose said the government had refused to assist research into the hypothesis of a link between the aluminium in her brain and her illness and asked police to look into “allegations of a cover-up”.
The Camelford disaster is just one of many "cover ups" by our corporate owned puppet governments. You just have to look up at the sky on most days to see the ongoing "cover up" of geoengineering.
If you live in the UK then you can take your own rainwater test and see how geoengineering is affecting your area. More info can be found here......
Rainwater Test Kit Results Map - Chemtrails Project UK
Here are the full results.......
I've had a look back at some of the photos that I took in the days leading up to the date of the rainwater test (12th Sept 2013) and see that there was heavy chemtrailing (geoengineering) at this time over the Dundee area........
Sun almost hidden by chemical spraying. |
This chemtrail was interrupted for a second ...cylinder change on aircraft ? |
Chemtrailer aircraft ( transponder switched off so aircraft invisible to the public via 24hr radar tracker website ) |
According to Prof Exley, a world renowned expert on aluminium, ..."when the amount of aluminium consumed exceeds the body’s capacity to excrete it, the excess is then deposited in various tissues, including nerves, brain, bone, liver, heart, spleen and muscle. We call it the 'silent visitor’ because it creeps into the body and beds down in our bones and brain.”
Prof Exley was called in to help in the investigation into the Camelford disaster in Cornwall, England where 20 tonnes of aluminium sulphate were mistakenly dumped into the the water supply by South West Water.
He examined the brain of a former resident of Camelford, Mrs Cross, who died of Alzheimers. He found that Mrs Cross’s brain contained 23 micrograms of aluminium per gram of brain, compared to normal levels of 0‑2mcg.
The inquest into Mrs Cross’s death has been adjourned twice pending further research into the significance of the high levels of aluminium in her brain. In 2008, coroner Michael Rose said the government had refused to assist research into the hypothesis of a link between the aluminium in her brain and her illness and asked police to look into “allegations of a cover-up”.
The Camelford disaster is just one of many "cover ups" by our corporate owned puppet governments. You just have to look up at the sky on most days to see the ongoing "cover up" of geoengineering.
If you live in the UK then you can take your own rainwater test and see how geoengineering is affecting your area. More info can be found here......
Rainwater Test Kit Results Map - Chemtrails Project UK
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Climate Engineering of the planet now passed the point of no return ?
Dane Wigington of GeoEngineeringWatch.org has recently done a depressing talk ( see below ) about geo engineering ( chemtrailing ). He now thinks that the attack on our planet using weather warfare techniques such as chemtrailing and the use of HAARP may have done irreversible damage and that there's now no way back.
Geoengineering has kept California in drought conditions for 5 years now while causing floods and snow storms with record cold temperatures in the eastern United States. The daily spraying of chemicals in the eastern pacific off the coast of California has added nano particles to the atmosphere which prevent the formation of rain over California. The more nano particles in the air then the less rainfall there is as the rain drops have more particles to adhere to before falling as rain.
The ozone layer over the Arctic may also have been irrevocably damaged and dangerous solar radiation may now be affecting the populations of the northern hemisphere. The 'climate scientists' attempts to reverse their damage with yet more geoengineering ( chemtrailing and HAARP) is just adding to the problem with the arctic tundra now releasing methane into the atmosphere. Methane is far more dangerous than CO2 to the atmosphere and will accelerate global warming.
Dane Wigington also talks about the radiation leaks from the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. This is being ignored by the corporate owned media. Three reactor meltdowns with molten radioactive material eating through ground concrete and rock and reactor 4 on the brink of collapse with 1500 spent fuel rods sitting precariously 100 feet above the reactor and the corporate media almost totally ignore it. This means there is nothing that can be done about Fukushima and mass panic would enfold if people realised this. So 300 tonnes of radioactive water will continue to flow into the Pacific every day and plumes of plutonium and caesium will continue to flow into the atmosphere while governments and the site owners ( Tepco) argue over who will pay to clean things up. It's almost as if the elites want another disaster to add to geoengineering in order to cull us down to the required population of 500,000 as mentioned in Agenda 21.
Anyway here's Dane's talk. Please take the time to watch it with an open mind. If you're not totally convinced about geoengineering then look up at the sky the next time there's a clear day and watch how quickly it turns to a grey mess with airliners criss crossing above and spraying out chemtrails.
Blogger won't let me give you the youtube video but it can be found here or here....
Geoengineering has kept California in drought conditions for 5 years now while causing floods and snow storms with record cold temperatures in the eastern United States. The daily spraying of chemicals in the eastern pacific off the coast of California has added nano particles to the atmosphere which prevent the formation of rain over California. The more nano particles in the air then the less rainfall there is as the rain drops have more particles to adhere to before falling as rain.
The ozone layer over the Arctic may also have been irrevocably damaged and dangerous solar radiation may now be affecting the populations of the northern hemisphere. The 'climate scientists' attempts to reverse their damage with yet more geoengineering ( chemtrailing and HAARP) is just adding to the problem with the arctic tundra now releasing methane into the atmosphere. Methane is far more dangerous than CO2 to the atmosphere and will accelerate global warming.
Dane Wigington also talks about the radiation leaks from the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. This is being ignored by the corporate owned media. Three reactor meltdowns with molten radioactive material eating through ground concrete and rock and reactor 4 on the brink of collapse with 1500 spent fuel rods sitting precariously 100 feet above the reactor and the corporate media almost totally ignore it. This means there is nothing that can be done about Fukushima and mass panic would enfold if people realised this. So 300 tonnes of radioactive water will continue to flow into the Pacific every day and plumes of plutonium and caesium will continue to flow into the atmosphere while governments and the site owners ( Tepco) argue over who will pay to clean things up. It's almost as if the elites want another disaster to add to geoengineering in order to cull us down to the required population of 500,000 as mentioned in Agenda 21.
Anyway here's Dane's talk. Please take the time to watch it with an open mind. If you're not totally convinced about geoengineering then look up at the sky the next time there's a clear day and watch how quickly it turns to a grey mess with airliners criss crossing above and spraying out chemtrails.
Blogger won't let me give you the youtube video but it can be found here or here....
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Interior of chemtrailing aircraft. |
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Californian lakes nearly empty. |
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California from satellite images. ( see chemtrailing on left hand photo ) |
Erratic flightpath ( in yellow ) of chemtrailing aircraft off the coast of California as shown on Flightradar24.com |
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California kept in drought conditions while the eastern US is kept cold. |
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