Geoengineering has kept California in drought conditions for 5 years now while causing floods and snow storms with record cold temperatures in the eastern United States. The daily spraying of chemicals in the eastern pacific off the coast of California has added nano particles to the atmosphere which prevent the formation of rain over California. The more nano particles in the air then the less rainfall there is as the rain drops have more particles to adhere to before falling as rain.
The ozone layer over the Arctic may also have been irrevocably damaged and dangerous solar radiation may now be affecting the populations of the northern hemisphere. The 'climate scientists' attempts to reverse their damage with yet more geoengineering ( chemtrailing and HAARP) is just adding to the problem with the arctic tundra now releasing methane into the atmosphere. Methane is far more dangerous than CO2 to the atmosphere and will accelerate global warming.
Dane Wigington also talks about the radiation leaks from the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. This is being ignored by the corporate owned media. Three reactor meltdowns with molten radioactive material eating through ground concrete and rock and reactor 4 on the brink of collapse with 1500 spent fuel rods sitting precariously 100 feet above the reactor and the corporate media almost totally ignore it. This means there is nothing that can be done about Fukushima and mass panic would enfold if people realised this. So 300 tonnes of radioactive water will continue to flow into the Pacific every day and plumes of plutonium and caesium will continue to flow into the atmosphere while governments and the site owners ( Tepco) argue over who will pay to clean things up. It's almost as if the elites want another disaster to add to geoengineering in order to cull us down to the required population of 500,000 as mentioned in Agenda 21.
Anyway here's Dane's talk. Please take the time to watch it with an open mind. If you're not totally convinced about geoengineering then look up at the sky the next time there's a clear day and watch how quickly it turns to a grey mess with airliners criss crossing above and spraying out chemtrails.
Blogger won't let me give you the youtube video but it can be found here or here....
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Interior of chemtrailing aircraft. |
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Californian lakes nearly empty. |
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California from satellite images. ( see chemtrailing on left hand photo ) |
Erratic flightpath ( in yellow ) of chemtrailing aircraft off the coast of California as shown on |
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California kept in drought conditions while the eastern US is kept cold. |
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