Thursday, 10 April 2014

Overnight gloom lifts to reveal dawn chemtrailing.

It was a bit gloomy and cloudy overnight in Tayside but I was up at dawn due to permanent insomnia and caught the remains of early morning chemtrailing. This was a bit of a disappointment after my forecast yesterday for clear skies during 'Exercise Joint Warrior'.  Maybe they spray during the evenings / early mornings and then leave the skies clear for the rest of the day ?
It's a clear sky now  (at 10am)  so I'll keep an eye on what's happening overhead for the rest of the day.
Here are some photos from earlier this morning.....

7 am



Mmmm, it's  bad news. It looks like HAARP  is now being deployed over Tayside this lunchtime.....



Fresh spraying in the afternoon as just gets worse........


12.50pm......the old crissy crossy's now.
This all reminds me of that excellent spoof chemtrail  'weather forecast'  from youtube.....


  All we need now is Mr Batty from the Scottish TV weather report to tell us all about the fantastic
clear skies and sunny weather that we're enjoying and the day will be complete grrrrrrrr....

Hi...I'm not a corporate shill...oh no. I'm Mr Batty, your weather forecaster and I'm here to tell you that the sky is blue when it's actually chemtrail grey, before you settle down to watch "Emerdale Farm" and then "Coronation Street".

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