Sunday, 17 November 2013

Heavy chemtrailing across the UK.

Looking at the chemtrail twitter feed I saw evidence of widespread chemtrailing  across the UK this week. And around the rest of the world for that matter.
We had spraying every day here in Tayside. The weather was changeable but spraying was evident whenever the clouds broke up.
Here's a couple of the photos that  I took.....

My friend at Scottish Chemtrails based over in Glasgow has been taking some great photos so have a look there. He covers the west of Scotland and I keep an eye on the east of Scotland. The spraying doesn't always follow the same pattern. He may get lighter spray days when we're getting it heavy and vice versa.

This is a great youtube video from a guy down in Wrexham in Wales showing spraying down there this week. I tried to upload the video but blogger couldn't 'see it'. This is a problem with the new blogger set up. In the old blogger you could embed a youtube video by copying and pasting the info. Now you have to type in the name of the video to blogger and it gives you a selection of youtube videos to pick. The Wrexham video wasn't on the list when I tried the other day.
Oh I forgot to say...the Wrexham video has a lot of swearing but that's normal now....people are getting effin fed up being sprayed like bugs and are angry.

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