Friday, 24 January 2014

A new year in Tayside but the same old chemtrailing.

The start to 2014 has been wet and stormy in Tayside so it has been difficult to see what's been going on above the clouds. Whenever the skies cleared I took some photos of the chemtrailing that I observed. Here are some photos that I've taken over the last few weeks....

The sun does it's best to shine.

Just a 'regular' contrail from an airliner lol.

Pilot on some colombian marching powder ?

Wouldn't like to be a passenger in this 'regular' airliner.

'Regular' clouds clear to show chemical sky at a higher altitude.

Gaps in clouds quickly filled in with chemicals.

The new 'chem bomb' in action.


  1. Great pictures and excellent comments. I'm sure I witnessed the 'chem bombs' (a new phenomenon for me) last week over Carnoustie Golf Links.

  2. Hi Canny..welcome to the blog.
    I've played Carnoustie Golf Course a few times and noticed that Carnoustie is heavily sprayed with chemtrails. Keep your camera / iphone handy and take some photos next time.
    Tayside seems to be used as an experimental area for different types of geo engineering. This may explain the high gastric cancer rates in the area.
    I blogged on Carnoustie here......

    ..which might be of interest to you.

    I hope the heavy rain isn't putting you off your golf !
    If you're like me you will be out playing golf...rain or shine ;)


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