Saturday, 27 April 2013

All quiet on the chemtrailing front.

It looks like the chemtrailers have been given a well earned rest. No sign of chemtrailng today or yesterday over Tayside. Although I've been getting reports of heavy spraying elsewhere in the UK. There's a big NATO exercise over Scotland involving 50 aircraft and some ships etc so maybe chemtrailing has been knocked on the head for a couple of days. Fingers crossed anyway. It will let me get out in the garden and get this years potatoes planted ( I've decided to go for the planting after wondering whether or not to bother ....old habits die hard)
The weather yesterday was weird.  Heavy hailstone showers ( chemstones ) then t shirt and shorts weather. If you don't like the weather in Scotland then don't will get something different in about ten minutes.
Today is bright  but a bit chilly. The sky is that weird turquoise blue that we now 'enjoy' after a decade of chemtrailing overhead.
Anyway back to the gardening.
Have a good weekend.

UPDATE :  Saturday evening...

Oops, I knew it was too good to last. Chemtrails drifted in from the west later on resulting in another sun dog sunset . I heard aircraft flying overhead as well and managed to take one picture of a chemtrailer amongst all the gloom.
Here are the photos from tonight. Click on photo to enlarge....

sun dog sunset caused by chemicals in atmosphere

sun dog

spraying amongst the gloom

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