Saturday 13 April 2013

Who stole the sun ?

With yet another cold start to Spring in Scotland and the sun forever hiding behind a chemical haze, I always wonder why no one else seems to just look up at the sky and see what's going on........consistent chemtrails from aircraft that steal any sunshine that might have warmed us up.
I'll use this blog to post my own photos and also provide links to  other parts of Scotland / the world who are also witnessing the same problem.
Last year I took photos on  most days that showed the consistent spraying going on and will post some of those on here as well.
The summer was a right off last year with crops ruined in Scotland and millions of pounds lost by food producers. The crops aren't going to survive if our sun is constantly blocked out with chemtrails. It's not exactly rocket science !
As to the reason for the consistent chemtrails I'm just not sure. The reasons range from the usual one of 'stopping global warming' by blocking out the sun ( despite the UK met office declaring global warming to have stopped 20 years ago ) to the other end of the spectrum....the creepy new world order trying to poison us all and reduce the population. There is a wealth of information on the web for people to educate themselves and come to their own conclusions.
The photo above was taken in Dundee the other day. The red halo around the sun is said to be caused by one of the chemicals in the chemtrail. Barium I think.

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