I love to get out in the garden whenever I can and I enjoy growing the easy stuff like potatoes and salads etc.
Well I used to anyway.
It became pointless with the permanent hazy skies due to the chemtrailers. The lack of sun and warmth and almost permanent damp conditions meant my crops were going to struggle. Potato blight killed off my potato plants last year. They were dead by early August with some of them not even flowering due to the lack of sunlight. In Scotland as a whole the farmers were saying that their crop was reduced by 50%. Scotland's strawberry crop was almost totally written off as well with farmers ploughing £20m worth of strawberries back into the ground. Rotten and too late to form a decent fruit.
I might try and grow potatoes this year but am in two minds. It's a lot of effort if it results in a poor crop like last year. Maybe just join everyone else down at Asda and grab a bag of potatoes that have been sprayed with God knows what. My garden grown potatoes used to be reasonably clear of chemicals but in recent years the chemtrail fallout must have made them just as unhealthy as farm grown potatoes.
Here's a few pics from last year. Click on the pics to enlarge....
black spots on the potato foliage before the foliage died off...potato blight. |
rocket salad 'bolted' early |
rocket salad or radish anyone ? |
potatoes were a third of normal size |
skin fell apart when boiled |
any chance of a blue sky was quickly removed by chemtrailers flying over |
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sometimes we got this weird sky for most of the day. |
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